diumenge, 15 de maig del 2011

Environment phrase

20% of the world's population consumes 80% of it's resources.

With this sentence I can understand that are not good the repertory of the resources in the world. Only 20% of people consumes 80% of the resources and 80% of people only consumes 20%. This sencente it's very big.

In our world there are people who live perfectly and other live how they can because they haven't got for example much clothes, food...

I think that all people have the same rights but we can say that you grow up in the place where you grow up and you can have luck or not.
I think that the differences of the countries are unavoidable.

1 comentari:

  1. Anna,I also comented the same sentence. I think the world is baldy divided.
    few have much money, and many have nothing. someday it has to change ... although it is very difficult.
